And so it begins….

Páte À Choux

The journey begins today.

I am so excited and nervous about this book.  After reading the introduction (24 pages), I found myself connected to the chef. 

Chef Jacquy Pfeiffer apprenticed and practiced.  He states, “Master the craft at home!” I plan on doing just that.   He emphasizes, “The more you practice your craft, your hands will eventually know what to do!”

Chef Pfeiffer states very clearly: MASTER THE CLASSICS FIRST! So, here I am, working to master a classic!!

There are Essential and Non-Essential Equipment.  I was giddy discovering that I already own 44 of the 45 listed essentials.  (Need to purchase a Micropocket Scale).  I think I’m going to have to wait to purchase a commercial blast chiller (Non-essential).

So, I’ve read the first recipe that I will begin tomorrow, “Páte À Choux”.  The basic dough that is the foundation of such delights as cream puffs, salambos, gourgéres, and eclairs.  I’ve made choux pastry before, but never from this book.  I’ve assembled my Mise en Place.  I’m ready to go tomorrow.

“If the Choux fits!!”


Does the, “Choux” fit?


A New Year