Time to reflect

Life is complicated. However, I sit here on the exquisite day reflecting on so many things.
I am blessed with my family. My husband and sons are amazing. They stand with me and support me as a person. Their combined wisdom and kindness continues to enrich my life in ways I thought was unattainable.
Our dog, Olive, brings me joy, happiness, headaches, fear, and laughter. Everyday, she has an experience that is hysterical. We call it the, “Zoomies”. She runs circles around the downstairs at light speed. She is like a locomotive. Last week, during that afternoon’s zoomies, she slid on the floor and lost her footing. She was ok, but a bit stiff. So, we gave her a doggie aspirin. These aspirin are purchased from the pet store, specifically formulated for dogs. Her stiffness continued for several days, so we gave her an aspirin once a day for 3 days. Well, anyone who knows our Olive, knows that her digestive system is extremely sensitive. Yesterday, she vomited several times. Vet said that the aspirin irritated her tummy. So, reflecting once again, no more aspirin of any kind for my 4 legged daughter.
We just returned home from spending the weekend in NJ with my extended family. I am so grateful for my sisters, Rosie and Karen. We have been through so many experiences together. We are each so different, yet so connected. I can’t express how much I value each sister and her individual personality. We’re crazy, loving, and high maintenance. I wouldn’t have it any other way. My niece and nephews are amazing people. I enjoy their company and they actually like having me around sometimes. I am headed to Santa Fe, NM and Phoenix, AZ next week to go visit them.
Working in the garden is a place of peace for me. I get to see all the seeds awakening and sprouting. The flowers are indescribable for me. The joy I feel when a flower has opened for the first time is serenity. I dig in the dirt, water flowers, take photos, and reflect on all the events I experience. Today, I got to meet 2 great new friends. We spoke of gardens, flowers, vegetables and so many things. Another joy in my day.
Baking is my passion. The elation I feel when mastering a new pastry or bread technique is addictive. I am always on the search to find new recipes and explorations of different cultural foods. My pursuit of mastering my pastry methods has been on hold for a bit. My baking business has been so busy, that I have been working to keep up with that. I am itching to get back to my experiments. The book is calling to me. Soon, pastries, soon!!
So today, after working in the garden, sitting on my porch, petting my sweet Olive (who, thankfully, is back to her ZOOMIE self) my reflections of family, friends, food, and my flowers, has brought me joy and peace.
Thank you friends, for being part of my crazy life. I don’t say thank you enough.