Happy 2024!!

Happy 2024!! Where did 2023 go? It seems to have passed in lightning speed. Baking, private cooking classes, traveling, family events, and many other occurrences that I can’t recall at the moment. Tim and I celebrated 36 years of marriage. Where did my dark brown hair go?
The year of baking ended with dozens of trays of holiday cookies. I am so thrilled to see how many people enjoy my baking!!
So, now 2024 is here and I have lots of plans for my business. I am opening up my kitchen to cooking classes again. I so excited to share some eXtra Delicious Learningâ with new friends. A few of the classes will include Knife Skills, the Power of Puff Pastry in your kitchen, Winter Salads and several others. Watch the calendar to see when these classes are available. There is new page on the website. Click, “Classes” at the top of the page. I keep classes very small so that each person can get individual attention. Class seats sell out quickly. Reserve yours early. If you are interested in learning how to create something specific, there are also private events available. Simply send me an email, (info@xitrous.com). Describe what you would like to learn, (ie, how to make potato gnocchi with a pesto sauce, how to make and decorate buttercream frosted cupcakes, how to make fresh pasta, etc.) I will respond with a description of the class and cost. We’ll go from there.
I am so happy that we finally had some actual winter weather. I love winter for the cold temperatures and snow. I love the sense of quiet in the world while the snow falls and creates a wonderland. I also feel the pull of cooking and baking. The hot soups and stews that warm the soul fulfill the experience. Knitting by the fire while watching sappy old movies proves to me that I am that old lady who enjoys the simple things in life. Well, today is 73*F, so I guess Spring is trying to arrive early.
Sourdough breads will be available again. My starter is growing as we speak. Sandwich breads, breads with meat, cheese, herbs, and other flavor additions, boules, Sfincione, and Focaccia to name a few, are in the works. Please text or email me directly if you would like to order special sourdough breads. I will be offering them in the shop, but wanted to make them available by special order.
So here’s to 2024! King Cakes, Stromboli, Brownies are heading your way for February. Goodies are being posted. Order your treats early. They sell out quickly. As always, if you have a hankering for something in particular, (Sweet or Savory), email me and we’ll work together to get it done.
I wish you a happy and healthy 2024. I hope that you spend time with your family and friends, enjoy the warmth of a hug, and the fulfillment that you need.
May you “eXperience eXtra Delicious Learning®” today and always.