Busy week!

This week has been once again busy.
One of the nicest parts of this week has been gardening. My gardens are waking up. I have so many flowers already blooming. I go out everyday and observe the wonders of Spring. I have daffodils, hyacinth, crocus, and hellebore in full bloom. So many colors and flowers to greet me everyday. The iris is growing beautifully. I thinned out my iris in the fall. I gave away 8 bags of iris rhizomes and still have over 100 plants growing around the house. Hopefully, they’ll be a mixture of iris colors to greet me in about 3 - 4 weeks. The yellow, pink, red, and white peonies are sprouting. I put out the cages today. I am absolutely exhilarated when the peonies are in bloom. The tulips and lilies will bring more variety in the late spring and into the summer. I planted several summer - fall blooming flowers. The new clematis at the mailbox has emerged. Clematis is lovely when it climbs around the front door, garden trellis, lattice under the deck. Keep your fingers crossed that I’ll have colorful flowers from Spring till the first frost.
I planted many seeds over the past 2 weeks. I get ridiculously excited when seedlings emerge and pop out their tiny sprouts. They greet me every morning when I visit and water them. The arugula, chard, and lettuce welcomed me this morning. I’ve planted 4 types of tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, green beans, leeks, peas, rosemary, garlic, parsley, Genovese Basil, thyme, asparagus, oregano, sage, scallions, and others that I can’t remember at the moment.
The herbs and the vegetable seeds will sprout within the next few weeks. These are so important in my household. I use them for my focaccia, herb breads, tomato sauces and so many other delights. I have been grinding up egg shells and placing that in my tomato garden already. Tomatoes love calcium. We will empty the compost bins onto the gardens within the next few weeks. Organic gardening truly works to eliminate waste. The only part I kind of avoid is opening the compost bins. Tim does that. WHY YOU ASK???? Because sometimes, there are eyes looking up at me that are connected to a very long SNAKE!! Go ahead snake, eat whatever rodents are visiting. I just don’t want to greet you.
What do you like to plant? Any tips?
Well, back to prepping for Scones this week. Sales are great. Almost sold out.