Holiday Season - aka: “Runaway Train!!”

Such a busy time of the year!!
I don’t know about your season, but mine has been frenetic.
Tim and I traveled to Salem, MA for Halloween. What an adventure. We had a blast, dressed up as Ina Garten, (Barefoot Contessa) and her husband, Jeffrey. We met so many delightful people, ate great food, stayed in a lovely hotel and had more fun than we ever expected. We also discovered from Tim’s family that Tim is directly related to people who were tried as witches AND one of the Witch Trial judges. THAT EXPLAINS A LOT!!!
Thanksgiving seems so far gone already. We spent such a lovely time with family in NJ. We will, once again, spend Christmas with them. SO EXCITED.
So here it is the HOLIDAY SEASON!! Been test baking new recipes, making dog treats, decorating the house, shopping, shopping, shopping, trying to actually make a real meal for us instead of a quick sandwich. (There are always fresh ingredients and gifts to purchase)
I hope your season is full of family, (by blood or by companionship), good food, good friends, and peace. The older I get, the more I appreciate those elements of each day. My presents are always my presence. I am so grateful for all the blessings I have each day.
May your, “Runaway Train” stop and allow you to enjoy!!
Happy Holidays in 2023!!