Busy Summer!!

Well, here it is, the end of Summer 2023. This Summer has been packed with activities, travel, fun, gardens, watering, processing, harvesting, quilting, test baking and every now and again, a bit of rest.
I have spent time with my family. My husband, children (2 and 4 legged), sisters, friends, neighbors have all been a part of this summer.
My sisters and I enjoyed the delightful scenery and food of the Brae Loch Inn in Upstate NY. Their haggis was DELICIOUS!!
Tim and I have explored a few food scenes. We did the José Andres, https://joseandres.com/joses-way/ in June. Got Time to try caviar. The expression on his face was worth every penny for the tickets. We had our anniversary dinner at the Red Fox Inn, in Middleburg (https://www.redfox.com/dining/) What a delightful experience. The Taste of Leesburg in the middle of August was fun. (https://events.humanitix.com/taste-leesburg-2023).
My vegetable and herb gardens have produced bounties. I have harvested tomatoes, cucumbers, arugula, sorrel, lettuces, red potatoes, purple pole beans, carrots, zucchini, peppers of several varieties, sage, Thai and Genovese basil, rosemary, dill, cilantro, nasturtium, marjoram, ramps, thyme, lemon grass, garlic and traditional chives, scallions, Italian Parsley, Greek and Italian oregano. I am very excited that my fresh ginger is growing and look forward to harvesting that soon. Tzatziki with my own cucumbers and homemade yogurt is amazing!!
The pesto came out luscious, bright, and flavorful. The 18 2oz. cubes and the other containers I shared will hold us over for a year. The recipes that will be enriched with pesto are abundant; pasta with pesto, minestrone soup, spread on toast with fresh tomatoes and mozzarella, pizzas, chicken breasts wrapped around pesto and mozzarella and braised in lemon sauce to name of few off the top of my head. Marinara sauce with a cube of pesto creates a delightful change for a meatless meal.
The herbs are so abundant, I have dehydrated several of them and ground my own seasoning blends. There is scallion and herb salt, scallion, chives, basil, rosemary, thyme salt, Thai Basil, scallion seasoning blend. The grill gets used almost daily in the summers here. Burgers, ribs, chicken parts and rotisserie chicken have been enhanced with all these seasonings. SO MUCH FLAVOR!!! YUM!!
My sisters, Rosie and Karen spent a week with me. We continue the tradition of processing vegetables that was taught to us by our mother, Edna and our maternal grandmother, Rose (NANA). We “canned” Garlic, Dill Giardiniera, Sweet and Sour Giardiniera, Beet, and Peaches. The 129 jars will feed our families for the year. The joy I experience working my sisters fills my heart. I am so grateful for them and their families.
Can we talk tomato sandwiches? The best sandwich is homemade Sourdough Bread (toasted), Dukes Mayonnaise, Salt, Pepper and several slices of a freshly picked tomato (from my garden). The only thing better? Add slices of crisp bacon. Dinner of that has happened a lot this summer.
I have recently discovered a great local farm. Northern Virginia Wholesale Growers Farm Market. Ramesh and Liz are wonderful, helpful, kind, and have fantastic vegetables and flowers at reasonable prices. I have been there many times and plan to do a lot of my vegetable shopping from them. The cayenne, poblano, Hungarian wax peppers all were super fresh and crisp. The pepper jam that I created is amazing. The spices and the jam will be used for so many dishes. Crackers, cream cheese, and pepper jam for an appetizer, marinade for grilled chicken or pork, sharp cheddar slices, prosciutto, pepper jam, and crostini, French toast, ricotta cheese and pepper jam. Are you drooling as much as I am?
This Summer’s drought has been a challenge for my gardens. The dahlias have captivated me. However, their need for hydration is daily. So, each morning, I’m out there watering all the pots and planted dahlias. Their colors, foliage, and appearance fill me with joy.
My dear friend, Suzi, introduced me to an amazing adventure. A group of individuals based out of Purcellville, create quilts to donate to people in need. Station Stitchers is a place where these amazing people work to share love and tenderness to individuals, organizations, hospice centers, senior centers, hospitals, and so much more. I am ecstatic that I can combine my love of quilting with my need to give back. I have already created and delivered 5 quilt tops this summer. There are 4 more in the works on my dining room table. Let me know if you’d like to join me (sewing, cutting, chatting).
One of the more challenging test bakes this Summer was Petit Fours. Consulted my dear friend, Liz for her insight. I am going to say, “ONCE AND DONE!!” Kevin asked for them as his birthday sweet. They were made with a vanilla cake, filled with cream cheese buttercream and seedless raspberry jam, and covered with a rolling and pouring fondant. They tasted great. They looked a MESS!! Those will NOT be on the XitrousÒmenu for sale!!
So, here it is, the precipice of Fall. There is freshly ground Autumn Spice Blend ready to make pies, breads, flavored coffee, cobblers, crisps, and stews.
Tim and I are heading west this Saturday. We are visiting Boise, Idaho, to pay our respects to his brother, Denver to try out the food scene, and Mt. Rushmore. The movie, “North by Northwest” with Cary Grant and Eva Maria Saint was my first glimpse of the monument. Have wanted to see it ever since. So, CHECK!!
Now that I’ve completely bored you with all those details, I’ll close with my plans for the Fall.
I’ll be posting what will be for sale and classes on the calendar shortly. I’m planning on holding some classes. I have already had several requests for private classes. Email me if you have a special event or an idea about what you want to learn to make. You and I can create a unique experience for you and several friends. The Fall schedule fills up quickly.
The Summer heat has never been my happy place. The winds that have been blowing for the past few days hint toward cooler and crisper weather. Keeping my fingers crossed.
I hope your Summer has been eventful, restful, and full of family, friends, and good food!!
Keep in touch!!