NEW YEAR! New Adventures!!

So, to say that 2024 was a bad year is an understatement!!
I want to say thank you to the people who have texted and emailed me during my absence. I appreciate your kindness and thoughts. I’m finally able to breathe and concentrate on test baking, experimenting with recipes, getting my sourdough bread softer and tastier. (I’m happy to share that it’s so good!!) and taking care of me.
I have new adventures to explore -
Stretch therapy for my aging and aching parts. Thanks to my dear sisters, Karen and Rosie.
Becoming an official Senior Citizen - Turning 65 in May.
Mastering the art of making the Italian Holiday Bread, Panettone.
Olive going to Hydrotherapy for regaining the strength in her leg that had cancer surgery. (BTW: She’s adorable!)
Exploring making pottery at CIY in Ashburn. So much fun!! I really STINK at centering my ball of clay!!
Embroidering towels and other items. I LOVE the excitement I feel when the design looks great. The Glow in The Dark thread made a fantastic Day of the Dead design.
Making more dumplings with different ingredients.
Our son, Kevin, spending 7 weeks in Japan to study and practice new styles of Art. (My adventure in this is experiencing our child being on the other side of the planet for so long!)
Kevin’s launch of his Botanica. His art is so pure and exquisite. Only 6 more days to add your support to this. Botanica
and finally the biggest adventure for me: - GOING TO SICILY and PUGLIA for 3 weeks in May.
Trying to learn Italian - Studying everyday!!
I will be touring Palermo and Bari, shopping, eating, and most exciting to me: Studying the cooking of these regions. I can’t wait to go and explore there. I’ll keep this blog posted with daily excitement.
I am trying to schedule cooking classes. Please email me if you are interested in a private event cooking classes. I will definitely have new classes in the queue after I return from Sicily/Italy!!
Have you traveled to Sicily and/or Puglia?
I would love to hear from you if you have traveled to these areas. I really appreciate your input.
So, for now, I’m baking and selling the King Cakes for Mardi Gras. Shop is open for pre-orders.
Dates to order King Cakes -
Today, Wednesday, February 19 - Friday, February 28th. Shop closes at noon on February 28, 2025.